There is … the scent that takes you on a journey or that brings you back to the hollow of one’s shoulder. There are all those scents that accompany you perhaps for a summer or for several years. All these scents, like all those moments that forge us, heartfelt declarations, bursts of laughter, memories that take us straight to another time, tell a part of your story. Scents of your life.

Annick Goutal left a legacy that is more than anything a state of mind, a vision.
A woman of desire, with a determined and free-spirit character, with an artistic soul, who has lived several lives.
She was an inspired and inspiring woman, driven by love. She was a woman who completely reinvented Haute Parfumerie and who knew, year after year, how to transform emotions into exceptional fragrances.
She was a pioneer woman, she shaped a Parisian Maison to her own image, an independent perfumery driven by love. She was one of the first woman perfumers in a man's world.
She was a visionary woman, who never hesitated to do things differently: creating a vetiver with marine notes when no one else had thought of it, or fresh and delicate perfumes when the trend was for heady, overpowering fragrances… Her creations appeal to lovers of beautiful fragrances.

A trail that leaves an impression on the heart rather than deliver an overpowering sensation.
Each perfume awakens the imagination, invoking an emotion, a childhood or holiday memory, the poetry of a journey.
Each Goutal composition is an act of sharing. Signature scents that travel through time and generations.
More than fragrances, emotions, unique experiences, initiatory journeys

Generous, in the choice of exceptional raw materials and attentive details for our customers.
Sincere, in our creative intentions, our relationship with others and our very personal way of expressing ourself.
Undenianly free, in our choices: what we do, we do by choice and not to follow a trend.
Intimate , through each fragrance: tell your stories

but they have always been of foremost importance at Goutal:
another reason which puts up in the avant-garde